25 مهر 1403

مرکز تحقیقات علوم دارویی

دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران

Mohammad Abdollahi, a researcher with the highest influence worldwide in the Cross-Field

A total of 6602 scientists were awarded an international distinction in this year's list of researchers worldwide, "Highly Cited Researchers" by Clarivate.
Clarivate's annual list of "Highly Cited Researchers", as every year, 2021 includes researchers who found themselves in the top 1% based on the number of heterogeneous reports in their work by other scientists. For the 2021 year as a Highly Cited Researcher from Clarivate Analytics was distinguished Professor of Toxicology and Pharmacology of Tehran University of Medical Science (TUMS), Mohammad Abdollahi, a researcher with the highest influence worldwide in the Cross-Field.
This year's list of researchers worldwide, whose scientific publications have had the most significant impact on their colleagues internationally, includes 6,602 scientists, one of them from Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran.
Most influential researchers (2,622) are based in the US (almost 40% of the total, compared to 43.3% in 2018). In second place in 2021 were researchers from China (935 or 14.2%, compared to 7.9% in 2018), who are constantly gaining ground in global reach, while in third place is Britain with 492 researchers and a percentage of 7.5%. More information

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