برگزاری کارگاه بررسی سیستماتیک بر اساس موارد گزارش ترجیحی برای بررسی های سیستماتیک و دستورالعمل متاآنالیز (PRISMA)
Today, 26th May 2018, a workshop on “systematic review according to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guideline (PRISMA)” was held by Hamed Haghi (Resident of Pharmacology & Toxicology), and with presence of TIPS students and members.
The main subtitles of this workshop were: How to formulate a specific question and how to find keywords, Systematic search in databases: PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Embase, Screening of articles, Endnote, PRISMA Flow chart checklist of PRISMA
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